I'm moving in....

I'm Zelaena, a 16 year old from Massachusetts, USA.

This site is�under construction
so it doesn't have more than this�home page.

I am interested in.....

African Culture
Fantasy and Role-playing�flaming dragon
Irish Culture�celtic button
Religion�pentagram button
Rock and Pop Music
�� and . . .
Movies such asTitanic

Untill this page gets going,visit these sites

The Silver Wheel of Stars

The Verge of Oblivion

Ok, I'd like to thank Ilahni for creating this...uh...interesting page for me....(loved how you spelled until...*wink wink*)


Blessed Be----e-mail me----Graphics by Ilahni- The Veil of Isis

Look!� It rhymes!� Happy birthday, Zelaena!� DISCO!